6 Ways for Lazy People to Make Money

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Written by BusinessAlligators Support

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February 17, 2016

Not every mortal being can be a workhorse moreover half-hearted dedication doesn’t make anyone earn a decent living; sometimes even hard-work doesn’t if wrongly executed. Yet being the otiose one will definitely make you unwanted in the community but who considers money making man worthless? All you need is to ‘earn’ to make a luxury living. No one would be castigated of your callousness, and who on this earth said that laziness a curse; it can be a boon as long as you can make money out of it. There are many ways by which lazy people make money

Business Alligators have actively been discussing various ways to earn money by all possible means; here we are presenting 6 major viable ways of making money being work-shy. With these, your laziness won’t be problematic anymore.

1. Become a Research Subject

One of the laziest and easiest ways to make money out of nothing is let people work on you. Register yourself for medical tests and trials; this is going to require some of paperwork in the beginning. Testify products and you can even give your own reviews for the same, this is for all age groups and you can even be the part of psychological tests. This might seem dangerous somehow but it’s not and internet has all the knowledge required with various experiences of people who have already been a part of such experiments. This is not grievous by any means but you need to know each and every possible detail which is initially provided to every worker and don’t forget to study even the minute phrases written on the deal documents which are required to be read and signed.

Not just being a subject to some project research, one can even try various incomplete products on your own selves such as body lotions and bathing products. This is all about the personal choice and comfort, what kind of research and product you wish to indulge in.

2. Sleep to Make Money

Yeah you here it right sleep can pay you money if you are sleeping for NASA Study. I guess earning money by sleeping is laziest way to make money. NASA has actually paid 18 grand for a sleep study been conducted! This might sound unbelievable to many, but yes it’s the truest information provided by Business alligators that you can get paid whilst taking a comfortable sleep. The live out your dream project of NASA has fascinated many people to make 5 grand a month, and all they have to do is sleep!

There are numerous ways, where your sleep can make your wallet to turn fatter. The studies focus on brain waves and pulse rates. You would get paid for scientists, doctors and researchers to watch you sleep. The participants can even have sleep disorders; it all depends on the kind of research going on.

There are matrices making companies who appoint people to test their latest product and rate the comfort level. This is actually done via various observations and gadgets which track the pulse rate.

Related- 7 Ways to Earn Money while Sleeping

3. Sell your body parts

I have already discussed this point in my previous article Crazy Ways to Earn Extra Money. Do not misinterpret by the tagline used, you don’t really have to cut off your body parts and sell them. Many lazy people make money by this method. This is legal in various countries, you have to know if it is there in yours or not. You can be the one to sell your Silky beautiful curly/straight hair and get paid, there are sites that provide you a user platform for selling your hair and get you a decent income. Not just the hair but sperms can be sold as well; many men have been a part of this program being executed by a number of doctors all across the globe.

If not hair or sperm, one can donate blood and plasma which do get regenerated faster than the hair do, not mentioning the sperms here.

4. Marry Someone Rich

Alright, this is one thing most singles already know and my words would just boost the lazy luxury seeking single souls. Who doesn’t want to have a happily ever after just like the surreal world of those princely stories mentioned in the end? This is something very much relevant to even a man or woman, and even this doesn’t really mean any sort of betrayal to your partner as long as you love the person. You are taking your requirements along with loyalty.

It wasn’t your fault that you aren’t a progeny to wealthy parents; in-laws are no less than your own parents. This can be considered a knavery if you really turn out to be traitorous but being a true-blue partner is a virtue. Luxuries can’t bring all of the happiness you would need; your partner plays a pivotal role in the married life. Be true-blue in love and nothing would ever go wrong on your path!

5. Renting

This is something that can be a passive income to those who got a busy day, but for the lazy ones with anything to rent can make some cold cash out of it. Not just a room or home, anything can work like a parking place, a high dimension television, a play station or X-box, some quality jewellery, party clothes, kitchen utensils (oven, microwave, coffee-maker, sandwich-maker, and anything that many people don’t have), and what not.

This can take a professional ground to earn a living out of renting your pre-acquired stuffs. You can even hire a salesman for the same, and make it a full time business. For example someone in my locality started to rent wedding accessories and gowns and without moving an inch from home. This could be a lot easier with a sales person, who would just take the owners place in displaying the products.

6. Taste food to Earn Money

if you are a food lover and lazy then this way is best for you. Lazy people can make money by eating food also. This is a full time job from home or entering a work place, no survey or life endangering trials. You would have to taste various food and product samples being delivered to you and review the product. There are various food testing companies that are government authorized just like the research centers and pay really well for the same. They have contracts with food and nutrition companies which need to get there products tested on humans so as to bring them in market. Taking example of the coffee tester who are appointed to taste various kind of coffee flavors and spit them taking the relishing and reviewing the product. This enables the organization to make out the practicality of the new product to be launched.

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  1. ajay

    I think you have to change the topic name because lazy people never earn money in their life they show laziness in each and every work

  2. jimbojones

    What if I want is to do absolutely nothing whatsoever, sleep and sit down in my house and get paid for doing that. only MY definition is the truest definition of money for zero effort, not yours! I want to sit, eat, sleep not be responsible for anything, not answer to no one, not have to move, not have to go anywhere or do anything and just have my bank account fill up with money, I want money for being bone idle do you think that’s possible? so far all I can think of is a landlord but I can’t afford a house to rent out to others. any suggestions?

    • BusinessAlligators Support

      Ask your dad/ mom to become a millionaire and transfer their wealth to you.

    • BusinessAlligators Support

      By your definition please don’t surf the internet too nor write anything, just sit, eat and sleep.
      Don’t brush your teeth, don’t take a bath, don’t even go to the washroom. Though don’t know how you will manage by only eating and not going to the washroom.
      But Still, keep hoping that money is coming to you just like the air.

  3. sachin sharma

    Sir, I’m interested in taking dealership of Himalaya drug company products. what is the procedure to take it?

  4. Mark M

    Wow, this ain’t helping.


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