8 Crazy Ways to earn Extra Money

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December 26, 2015

The considered industrious job of earning money can now be done tranquilizing in your comfort zone! Business Alligators explicated various ‘money making methods’ in preceding articles, but can there be crazy methods for the same? Believe them or not, boosting your money in those boring afternoons can be all demented, brainsick, exciting, easy, and weird. To earn some extra gigs in today’s economy a thousand ways are existing and most of them are really unthinkable, here are some crazy unexpected ways by which you can earn money at a good speed with excitement in your work too

1. Sell Body Parts

No, it’s not that kind of selling! In today’s economy, human body organs alone can earn him/her a good deal. Selling Plasma, hair, breast milk, or even sperms! It’s legal too!

One can and people do sell their blood Plasma. The process would involve taking some blood (don’t worry it doesn’t decrease blood count) and draining off the Plasma. A person should be healthy with a good hemoglobin count and drug-free.

People do earn money by selling their hair, and the best part is good hair earns a decent amount. One can collect the hair even from the hairbrush, or saloons. The hair should be 10 inches long (approximately), and uncolored. Sites like buyandsellhair.com, and much more deal with the same.

Some mothers do sell their breast milk on the internet but this kind of trade has legality and sometimes health issues.

Donating sperms is legalized in some countries, a guy with good physical health, intelligence, or looks does sign up contracts with companies or sperm banks for their sperms to be sold.

2. Professional Cuddler

Even with the clothes on hire-to-cuddle-business makes good money, for the hired professional cuddlers. An app cuddler has already got over 2 lakh downloads, and whilst not being a common topic to discuss snuggling businesses are really growing since the past few years. People in this fast growing economy have turned real busy and messed up in life, so people who are good with mollycoddling others and providing them with a featherbed to make them feel fuzzy and relieved can earn a decent amount for the same. Unlike the massage therapist who requires a whole training process to enter the profession, this is a simple profession to make people happy in your company. Hess a Professional Cuddler in an interview with businessinsider told that she earns up to $60 per hour.

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3. Poop Clean-Up Service

Pet lovers are all around the globe, people who love to choose a dog, cat, cow, or even wild animals for companionship are plenty in our society but yet most of them don’t really like cleaning up the pet shit from their carpets. This has turned out to be a good business around, and people earn good bucks for cleaning up the pet poops. This can be an option to earn some extra pennies to the wallet certainly disgusting but it did so for many. This is actually supported by almost every country and even there are companies to provide such services.

4. Professional Mourner

No, it’s not new since generation professional mourners are paid to attend funerals and they really make good money. This makes people feel that the one who just died was an influential and a really prominent person to others. In countries like India and Africa, this profession is really common, and to the surprise, it is also mentioned in the holy bible. In the UK there’s this company named ‘Rent a Mourner’ which actually supplies professional ladies in black to attend funerals, there’s professional training for the same, or people even start this business locally. All you have to do is look sad and cry a bit over the lost soul and this will get you cash earned.

5. Suicide Doctor

This is something that we call assisted suicide, and to astound people more there are suicide clinics as well which provide lethal doses and drugs to commit suicide. A doctor intentionally explicates to the consultant about the knowledge and means for the same. 90% of oncologists have told about requests received from people (patients) wanting to die. Well yet not legalized in many countries but still, laws have made related to the same in many and this profession has hence taken ground in the society.

6. Professional Tasters

Foodies have this opportunity to earn money whilst eating. This is one way that supports people to taste different food items and earn money through it. This is one tasty way to bring in some real cash to your wallet. This can be the same scenario in coffee making companies that hire tasters to taste the freshly manufactured coffee and same goes with the ice cream industry. Most hotels, food factories, nutrition based companies support this profession and pays a decent amount to their workers who provide them with their valuable feedbacks. Profession tasters begin by observing the odor of the product and thereby evaluating it in accordance with the color, texture, taste, and odor.

Related: What Successful People Do Daily?

7. Just Reply and Earn Money

“ChaCha” is a smartphone app that tracks in pennies to people who would answer certain questions being texted by other users. One can get an answer in a few minutes. And your answers would earn you! Why not invest some free hours in making some slow money. Just replying with all your funky thoughts can be fun for you as well as the other person, it all depends upon you. This can be exciting or boring or even can be a real good pass time in those boring sleepy afternoons or an alternate work with a regular tiring job.

8. Be a Friend to Earn Money

Being a friend, a companion can bring in extra bucks. dot com helps you with the same; people earn a decent living out of this. Just be a dining companion for someone who doesn’t wish to dine alone, and get paid with each passing hour. There are so many sites, which would help you earn this way, or even looking around would get you people ready to pay for your time. Make sure you get to know a bit about the person, if you are the kind of person then go ahead and earn your part. This is actually been gaining ground in most cities specifically the metropolitan ones where life is really fast and people usually have no time to meet distant loved ones.

For those who wish to make extra bucks, these crazy 8 can be a good source of income. These aren’t necessarily quick ways to garner your wallet but certainly, some supernumerary coins don’t hurt anyone whilst they are somehow fun and exciting as well (snubbing some parts of disgust). Good Luck!

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1 Comment

  1. Oliver

    Hi Aastha,

    there are quite interesting ideas of making money you listed above. Thanks for it.



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