Do’s and Don’ts of Taking Risk

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Written by BusinessAlligators Support

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June 29, 2015

According to the world famous leader and motivational guru Robin Sharma “The seduction of safety is often more dangerous than the perception of uncertainty”. In order to achieve extraordinary success a safe job with minimal risks will not lead you anywhere other than a mediocre life. There is a simple rule of life, you want to live your dream; you need to be open to take risks. “Follow your heart but take your mind with you.”


1. Evaluate the need of Taking the Risk

So you have finally made up your mind to live life on your own terms; good! You must really be in love with the career path you’re choosing, wait…. NO? Then, what’s the use of taking the risk? Risk your safe job only for a profession that’s your passion otherwise if you still don’t know what is it that you love, go ahead and try new things until you really exclaim “THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!” Only then can you think of taking that valuable risk; because it’s a basic rule in one shot of risk, you can either make it or break it.

2. Do ample amount of Research

The point explained above will be a huge “NO-NO” if you do not follow this vital instruction. Before taking a major decision in your life related to a career or any project; do ample amount of research. Scan through the entire worldwide web; gain as much knowledge of the stuff you’re going to put your head into, as much you can. Running in without a plan is like ordering the waiter at a hotel to “Bring something”; what? Seriously? The guy’s a waiter not a freaking mind reader so you have to have the directions and knowledge to proceed in your risk.

3. Surround yourself with People who support you

Being in contact with people who support you no matter what happens to you in life are undoubtedly the most precious gems of your journey. Cherish these people and stay with them, spend time with them as much as you can because believe it or not; encouragement is going to be your biggest weapon and greatest asset in the future. It’ll help you rise when you fall and make you walk by faith and not by sight.

4. Stay Motivated

Reading motivational articles, a good inspirational book, watching the biography of great world leaders and going through the stories of insanely successful people will always help your adrenaline pumping high on energy and you’ll be as enthusiastic as ever. Being your own support is the backbone in the business of risk taking and staying positive on your beliefs is going to help you hell lot in the long run.

5. Work like a workaholic

When you work towards something you love or are passionate about; work doesn’t seem to be a job, it’s play for you because hey, “You are doing something that you love” so go with the flow, work hard and forget laziness because it’s the only thing that can stop you now excluding that; you’re going to be invincible and would attain the highest level of mastery. Keep going and keep winning.

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1. Half Baked Knowledge

Jumping into something just because it’s glamorous will not help you at all. There is a tremendous amount of hard work involved in demonstrating that glamour, that success. Practice being better at your passion, research about it and don’t leave any stone unturned. When you are going in for the kill, make sure your ammunition is fully loaded. Risk by going for what you love but don’t risk the preparations for it.

2. Getting affected by Pessimists

Accept it, in your journey of finding success in an area that’s out of the box will lead you to a point where you’ll find people who will give you hundred reasons why you won’t be successful and that you’ve lost your senses. If you get influenced by these ‘energy suckers’ then let me tell you, you’re going to waste your talents and make the graveyard a lot more wealthier than it already is.

3. Lack Of interaction with teammates/ colleagues/ supporters

Your partners, your friends, family, supporters and all those amazing people around you won’t be able to help you in such struggles if you’ll not discuss your problems with them. Risk-taking involves a lot of problems that come in the process and in order to overcome them you need to take wise suggestions, interact with your teammates as to how can it be resolved and trust me; when you interact with someone it shows the other person how important he/she is to you. You could hit two birds with one stone.

4. Fear of Failure

When you’ve already put yourself in an arena of fire then keep your courage and complete your journey without any thoughts of failure and even if you do; you’ll gain something from it you’ll learn something from it and you’ll feel less anxiety when you’re doing it the next time. Failure is progress in every sense of the word. So keep a spider’s attitude “Try, try, try again until you succeed”.

5. Overwhelmed by initial success

Opening that bottle of champagne and organising a lavish pool party after your first successful presentation is like behaving like a pro when you’re just a beginner. Losing your focus is the biggest sin one can do in an environment that involves risk taking. While enjoyment & celebration is necessary, avoiding lavish parties during initial small successes is a wise decision. Hug your teammates, shout it out loud and work doubly harder to achieve that all important goal and after that, “The world will join your party”.

6. No backup plans

A wise business man or any aspiring successful person should have backup plans like another business idea or another passion for working in. Don’t test the depth of the river with both feet. Sometimes, uncalculated risks can result in complete loss and bankruptcy so it’s always wise to have a contingency in such cases so that you can start from that zero and reach to infinity.

If you are just contemplating, remember the world around you; the inventions, the discoveries, etc. were made by people no smarter than you. They took a chance by letting away from mere job security and they did what they loved and left the world a little bit better that it used to be. You only get one shot at life, make it count.

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