How to find a mentor?

how to find a mentor
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October 24, 2015

What does it take to build up your own business empire? No matter how smart you are or how astute your plans are, a mentor is always required to guide you through the contending business cosmos. Having a mentor is all about being more efficient in taking crucial decisions in hard-nosed situations so as to increase the probability of success. Finding an appropriate mentor is a baffling task, where you have to uncluttered all the requisites precisely. Someone out there has been through all what you are coming across; someone had a similar story like that of yours. Among all the Golden names of successful entrepreneurs, there’s the one, who is enjoying some serious success what you are aspiring of and he can be your guide towards the same. For a budding entrepreneur a good adviser plays a vital role. There are certain ways by which you can find your perfect mentor which requires censorious research about your business’s and your requirements. Here are 4 routes to help you through:

1. Make a list of all the people you admire

While penning a list of all the personalities you look up to, make sure they belong to the same business section as that of yours. Your mentor is supposed to guide you through and help you access prominent connections, so experience and cognition in ‘the same area’ is important. And do keep in mind, not all the connections will exercise in your favor, so efficiently work down the list to have a perfect mentor.

You just can’t approach a complete stranger to ask him, “Can you be my mentor?” That would be strange and undignified. Have a casual conversation; ask him out, a coffee, lunch, walk would do. Discuss your agenda and knowledge, if the person is impressed and he likes you, he will surely invest his time in answering your queries. You won’t ‘click’ with all the ones you meet. Remember, all the successful men, who attract you on page 6 may not be appreciable in person; you are the one to evaluate your mentor candidates.

All the big bosses need employees and assistants, so you got to make use of the opportunity and grab your chance there. This would be a good opportunity to gain work experience and stay close to your potential mentor. You can probably take an appointment to meet them, write a letter or call the office. Plan what you want to convey, be precise with your speech to express the ideas.

2. Peer and kin Connections

People, who know you, can really be a helping hand. You can easily acknowledge of all the ones around you, accessing in the same field. Getting onto them is way easier than approaching a complete stranger. A diverse peer group will always be the mastermind area with whom you can explore and learn as a budding entrepreneur. Listening to their experiences and stories, would help you take sound decisions on your way. And there, you don’t really have to trigger your words, just that don’t bombard your potential mentor with all your questions at once and keep a strictly professional relationship.

Think of what you might be able to give in turn and don’t leave the relationship hanging. Appreciate the time investment of the other person, and try to help him in any way possible. Use mentor as a verb than a noun because here you are supposed to have a friendly frank relationship where you can discuss business possibilities.

3. Social media is a boon

To find a potential mentor, an online quest can be a good option. You can follow an industrial group or page on Facebook or LinkedIn. It is the latest trend for professionals. There you can easily approach and look up to someone successful in the same area. Registering to newsletters would be a nice option to keep the list updated. Social media is a potential ground with people, who aren’t in your vicinity. This will get your radar to strangers you admire.

4. Explore and Acquire

Industrial meetings, seminars, lunches, and sessions are places where you can meet new connections with similar interests. Discussing and communicating there, has potency to facilitate finding someone who might fit in the bill. The more people you meet, the more you open up with the environment of business. A mentor would be the one you will openly connect to and whose advice will be completely perceivable and apprehensible on your end.

A mentor-mentee relationship requires time to develop and strengthen up. A good understanding at both the ends is an asset. To nurture the relationship you meet regularly and discuss your successes, failures and fears. To draw a bead on your goal, you require a trustworthy experienced guide which is your mentor whose voice would be the best assistance in babel of the b-world.

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